Friday, 22 December 2017

Your Heart is Safe in our hands

Heart transplantation is the process of replacing the diseased heart with a healthy heart from a suitable donor. This procedure is done on patients with end stage heart disease or other dangerous heart conditions. The heart transplantation can improve the life span of a person. The implantation of healthy heart in place of less working heart will help the patient to lead a normal life.

The most common conditions that damage the heart and result in heart transplantation are coronary artery disease and idiopathic cardiomyopathy. Heart transplantation is an inevitable procedure when the hearts can no longer pump well enough to supply blood with oxygen and nutrients to the organs of the body. Sometimes, the problem may also be associated with the bad “electrical conduction system of the heart which determines the rate, rhythm and sequence of contraction of heart muscle. 

Benefits of the Heart Transplantation

  • The quality of life can be improved 
  • Longer life 
  • General improvement in health 

Heart Transplant procedure

This surgery is an inpatient produce. General anesthesia is administered and the patient will receive medicine through intravenous line in the arm. A breathing tube, connected to a ventilator will help the patient to breathe. The surgeon opens the chest and connects the heart arteries and veins to a heart-lung bypass machine and remove the diseased heart. The arteries and veins will be taken off the bypass machine and reconnected to the healthy donor heart. The transplant is complete after the surgeon closes the chest. 

Artificial Heart Transplantation

This is the method of replacing the diseased heart with an artificial one. An artificial heart mimics the heart muscle contractions and consists of sensors that helps in blood flow. Artificial Heart Transplantation is carried out if normal heart transplantation is impossible. This method is also used to bridge the time of heart transplantation. 

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil is a reputed doctor and he gives patients his undivided attention. He has treated several patients suffering from heart disease and gives every patient the best medical care. He has the credit of performing more than ten thousand surgeries; most of them are bypass surgeries. Dr Kuldeep is one of the best cardiac surgeons in Kochi, Kerala who can successfully perform heart transplantation.

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Saturday, 18 November 2017

Surgical Repair of Aortic Aneurysms

What is Aortic Aneurysm?

CVD (Cardio Vascular diseases) is abbreviations for all kind of heart diseases. They are mainly caused by aneurysms. It is the balloon-like bulge in arteries mainly affecting the brain and heart. An aortic aneurysm affects the body’s main artery. Aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body that begins at the left ventricle of the heart and passes through the chest and abdominal cavities. The normal diameter of the aorta is between 2 and 3 centimeters and can bulge to 5 centimeters with aneurysms.

Aortic Aneurysms - Types 

There are two types of aortic aneurysms. The one that occurs in the chest is called Thoracic aortic aneurysm and the other is in the abdomen called Abdomen an aortic aneurysm. In most cases, symptoms of an aneurysm are not easily discerning. But as it grows in size there will be signs that show the existence of the ailment, including Chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, back pain etc.In the case of the abdominal aortic aneurysm, there is usually no telltale sign of the ailment. The major symptoms are the pain in the abdomen and a throbbing sensation in the navel. In the case of the abdominal aortic aneurysm, a rupture could possibly lead to an intense pain in the abdomen or back, vomiting, and dizziness. 

In India, Ernakulam in Kerala boasts few of the best hospitals in the country for treating CVDs. Renai Medicity is one such best heart hospital in Ernakulam. Ernakulam also boasts the best heart specialists in India. The most renowned cardiologist on the list would be Dr.Kuldeep Chulliparambil. He has performed over 7000 heart surgeries including high-quality coronary heart surgery, robotic heart surgeries, heart transplantations and surgeries for aortic aneurysms. He is the founder of Cardiac Associates and the president of Malabar heart foundation that work towards the elimination of heart attacks by 2025 in resonance with the call for reducing heart attacks by WHF (World heart Federation).

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Saturday, 28 October 2017

Get out of the fear of Open Heart Surgery with Keyhole Bypass Surgery

Heart disease figures among one of the most common disorders today. There has been a significant increase in open heart and other heart surgeries and so the fear and anxiety associated with it still remains.

Keyhole Bypass Surgery

Keyhole bypass surgery, a relatively new advancement in heart disease treatment offers the following benefits:
  •     Faster recovery often within 5 days
  •     Does not affect adjacent tissues or organs
  •     Relatively riskless
  •     Aesthetically efficient

Keyhole Bypass Surgery Procedure

The surgery is performed with the help of small incisions and tiny instruments. This is done with the assistance of video images transmitted through a tiny camera inserted through one of the incisions and manoeuvred robotically.
The procedure does not cause any damage to neighboring cells or organs and aides in faster recovery. They are also found to be more aesthetically competent as they do not mar the skin with cut marks.
Scope of the procedure.

When to get the Keyhole Bypass Surgery ?

The procedure is preferred in the following cases.
  •     For treatment of diseased heart valves
  •     Heart rhythm disorders such as Atrial Fibrillation
  •     For treating hole in the heart
  •     In cases where you require a mitral valve correction even after undergoing an open surgery previously

Keyhole Bypass Surgery from the Expert

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil, one among the Best heart surgeon India, is the Chief Cardiac Surgeon, Renai Medicity, Palarivattom, Kerala. With an experience of decades in heart disease treatment, Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil is one of the few heart surgeons offering the keyhole bypass surgery in Kerala.
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Saturday, 23 September 2017

Aortic Aneurysm - A Silent Killer !!

An aneurysm is a bulge formed inside of an artery. Arteries are the blood vessels which carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. In case of an aneurysm enlargement, it may burst and cause dangerous bleeding or even ends in death.

There are two Types of Aortic Aneurysms:

They occur in the part of the aorta that runs through the chest
They occur in the part of the aorta that run through the abdomen

What is the cause of an aortic aneurysm?

  • Smoking 
  • Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which weakens artery walls
  • High blood pressure
  • Injury to the chest or abdomen
  • Aging
  • Congenital abnormalities 

Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms

  • Pain in legs
  • Pain in groin area
  • Pain in buttocks
  • Deep pain in your back or side
Following are the Symptoms of Thoracic Aneurysm:
  • Chest pain
  • Back pain
  • Pain in the jaw, neck, and upper back
  • Hoarseness, coughing, or difficulty in breathing

Aortic Aneurysm Diagnosis and Treatment 

Depending on various factors regarding the aneurysm such as its size, rate of growth as well as the medical history and age of the sufferer, the most appropriate treatment will be determined.

At Renai Medicity, Palarivattom, Aneurysm is cleared out using minimal invasive Aortic Aneurysm Surgery done by the Best Heart Surgeons in Ernakulam.

If necessary.

To schedule an aneurysm screening or an aortic aneurysm surgery with Dr Kuldeep Chulliparambil, one among the Top Cardiac Surgeon you can consult in Ernakulam contact us below, because if left untreated, aneurysms can rupture and take your life.


Friday, 18 August 2017

Aortic Dissection - Are you at risk?

Aortic dissection is the most common calamity of the aorta. If left untreated, the patient will die within first 24 hours. The aorta is a large artery that carries blood out of the heart. In the aortic dissection, the blood has entered in the wall of the artery between the inner and middle layers. It is due to the tearing in the inner layers of the aorta that allows the blood to pass from the main body of the artery into the wall.  Sometimes tiny vessels supply the blood outside the aorta wall and blood hemorrhages occurred. This can also lead to the accumulation of blood inside the layers of the aortic wall.

Aortic dissection also dangerous when channel blood out of the aorta that causes a fatal rupture in the artery. It may be more serious, if the dissection sends blood into the inner space of the heart or lungs.



Symptoms of aortic dissection

The symptoms of aortic dissection are
  • Chest pain
  • Pain in upper back
  • Breathlessness
  • Fainting
  • Sweating
  • Trouble in speaking
  • Dizziness

Causes for aortic dissection

High blood pressure is the main cause of developing aortic dissection as it causes strain on the walls of the arteries. Anything that can weaken the aortic wall will cause a dissection. It can be abnormal growth of body tissues or accidental injuries. Other causes are
  • Smoking
  • Surgical treatment near the heart
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Chest injuries
  • An aorta with faulty valve
  • Use of drug such as cocaine

It is recommended to visit a doctor if a person feel continues chest pain. A doctor can perform several tests to recognize the problem such as electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan.

Treatment for aortic dissection

Type A dissection generally needs a surgery. But the treatment of type B aorta dissection mostly treated with medication. In surgery, the torn section of the aorta is removed and replaced with a synthetic graft. The surgery is also replaced damaged heart valve.

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil of Renai Medicity, Kochi is one of the best heart surgeons in Kerala. He has vast experience to treat Aortic dissection.
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Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Treating Heart Tumors In Kerala

A tumor is any type of abnormal growth in the body which can be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign). Cancerous tumors are fast in growing and quickly spread in the other parts of the body. On the other side, benign tumors are slow in growing and generally harmless expanding on the body part where they are located.

Heart tumors are abnormal growths in the heart or heart valves. Heart tumors are divided into two primary and secondary. Primary tumors start growing in the heart and persist there whereas secondary tumors are initiated in the other part of the body and move to the heart. Mostly, heart tumors are benign but it can cause problems due to their size and location. Sometimes, small pieces of tumors fall into the blood stream and are passed to blood vessels and make a way to vital organs by flowing with blood flow.

Causes Of Heart Tumor

  • Abnormal regulation of the cell division
  • Irregularities in immune system
  • Radiation
  • Certain viruses
  • Extreme exposure to the sun
  • Use of tobacco
  • Use of poisonous mushrooms
  • Genetics

Symptoms Of Heart Tumor 

  • Changes in body position
  • Problem in breathing when asleep or lying flat
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Tightness in the chest or chest pain
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Changes in finger color
  • Swelling in legs, ankles, or abdomen
Tumors can be detected at the early stage by cancer screenings. The earlier a tumor is detected, the more likely to get a positive result.


Primary tumors are difficult to diagnose as they are rare and its symptoms are similar to other heart diseases or conditions. The diagnosis of heart tumor includes certain tests. They are
  • Blood test
  • Chest X-ray
  • Echocardiogram
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • Heart MRI
  • Tomography
  • Coronary angiography

Treatment Of Heart Tumor

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Medication
Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparanbil of Renai Medicity, is one of the best cardiac surgeons in Kerala.  The doctor who has successfully performed more than a ten thousand heart surgeries offers the Best Treatment for Heart tumor in Kerala.

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Thursday, 1 June 2017

Keyhole Valve Surgery – simplifying heart surgery

The recent decade has seen an increase in the number of people affected by heart disorders in the world and more particularly in India. Heart surgery and associated terms have gained household familiarity, yet the chill and anxiety that are coupled with them has not changed.
A diagnosis of heart condition and the subsequent instruction for heart surgery is often considered with fear and dread by most today. With the advent of the latest technique of keyhole valve surgery, things are on a change for the better. Keyhole valve surgery is new procedure in Kerala, aimed at simplifying heart surgery procedures.
Traditional heart surgery requires incisions through the middle of the chest and the breast bone. These increase the complexity of the surgery as well as the healing period and return to the normal life activities. Keyhole valve surgery eliminates such risks posed by conventional surgery mainly because of the minimally invasive nature of the procedure involved.

Keyhole valve surgery procedure
The procedure of keyhole valve surgery is performed with the help of small surgical instruments inserted through keyhole incisions made at the site of surgery. The tiny camera attached to the instruments helps in transmitting the images into a monitor attached with the surgery equipments. The surgeon performs the procedure by manipulating the instruments by viewing the internal area through the monitor.
The major benefits of keyhole valve surgery are as follows: -
  • Less complicated and faster recovery
  • Enables getting back to normal work as soon as by 5 days
  • Smaller incisions and thus faster healing
  • Lesser scars than conventional heart surgery
  • No broken bones or scarred tissues.
  • Does not affect adjoining organs or tissues
Scope of keyhole valve surgery
Keyhole valve surgery is currently used in correcting the following irregularities: -
  • Irregularities or disorders in the heart valves
  • Atrial Fibrillation causing irregular heart rhythms
  • Mitral valve replacement or repair
  • For treating hole in the heart
Dr.Kuldeep Chulliparambil is a leading cardiac surgeon specialised in dealing with different cardiac disorders with the latest treatment techniques.

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Monday, 29 May 2017

The Best Test To Predict Heart Attack

Many of us have lost our dear ones to sudden heart attacks. The incidence of the disease has grown considerably in the Indian society almost on par with that of the western world. Where earlier the most common cases of severe health issues reported at the hospitals were that of diarrhoea, tuberculosis and malaria. But now chest pains have occupied its place.

Attack As A Concern

Heart attack does not cause any externally visible changes like bleeding or swelling. It is highly comparable to an internal accident and is caused due to the lack of oxygenated blood into the heart. If the blood flow is not restored quickly, it could be fatal. The first six hours after the attack is the most crucial. Most cases of heart attack are caused due to coronary heart diseases and heart blocks.

During the time of attack, the colour of heart might change from normal to blue and in severe cases; the lungs get flooded by the stagnant blood flow. An average of about 600 heart attacks is reported every day in the state among which about 120 of them loose their life.


Risk Factors For Heart Attack

The main risk factors that contribute to heart attacks are as follows: -
  • High blood pressure
  • High diabetes
  • Continued stress
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid hormone deficiency
  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle

 Preventing A Heart Attack

Taking into account the severity of the condition, prevention program for heart attacks involve preventive diagnosis tests to ascertain the heart condition. These include tests like TMT and angiogram which help in detecting heart irregularities. ECG can be considered as a diagnosis test only and does not contribute much in prevention of heart attacks. This is because, ECG can show perfectly normal results even a day before an imminent attack.
WHO recommends TMT as a must performed test for all over the age of 40 years. TMT or Tread Mill Test should be performed under the supervision of a skilled professional. It can be done at a charge of about Rs. 1500.

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil is a leading heart bypass surgeon in Kochi, experienced in dealing with various heart related ailments.
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Friday, 12 May 2017


Aortic aneurysm is an irregularity occurring in the aorta blood vessel which carries blood rich in oxygen from the heart to other parts of the body. The irregularity occurs in the form of bulge in the aorta. The bulge if burst can lead to excessive bleeding causing threat to life. Sever and rapidly growing cases of aortic aneurysm is treated with the help of aortic aneurysm surgeries.
Although aneurysm can occur in any part of the aorta, the most commonly found aortic aneurysm occurs in the stomach area or in the upper part of the body. They are known as abdominal aortic aneurysm and thoracic aortic aneurysm respectively.

Symptoms Of Aortic Aneurysm

Usual cases of aortic aneurysm do not show any symptoms. However some symptoms like back, chest or abdominal pain is some times reported in patients. Rupture of aneurysm, which is a risky and life threatening condition causes severe pain and bleeding.

Causes Of Aortic Aneurysm

Aorta walls are known to have elastic and stretchable properties. Conditions like artery hardening of high blood pressure result in weakening of aorta. Wear and tear due to aging can also contribute to the weakening process. The weakened aorta shrinks or bulges out leading aortic aneurysm.

Aortic AneurysmTreatment

Severe cases of aortic aneurysm are treated with the help of surgeries. The popular surgery used for the treatment of aortic aneurysm is endovascular surgery. The procedure maybe conducted under general anaesthesia and involves making incisions near the groin area to access the femoral artery.

A stent in the form of a metal loop and an artificial graft are inserted into the artery and the aneurysm is made to contract over it. Endovascular surgery guarantees lesser pain and faster recovery than the conventional open surgery. A hospitalisation period of about 5 days is required after the surgery.

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil is a leading cardiac surgeon, with a wealth of experience in treating different types of cardiac disorders.

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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

What Causes A Heart Attack??

The rate of heart attacks has increased alarmingly over the years. Heart attack, medically termed as Myocardial Infraction occurs as a result of damage caused in heart muscles, due to a lack in the supply of oxygen. This might occur due to the presence of a clot or obstruction in the artery, coronary spasms and so on.

What is Heart Attack?

Our heart requires a steady supply of oxygenated blood for life functions, which are supplied by the coronary arteries. In cases where these arteries narrow, the blood supply dwindles causing deposition of plaques which eventually form blood clots. These plaques are usually fat deposits caused due to our eating habits and other lifestyles.
If the clots grow bigger, they completely block the supply of blood, effectively starving the heart muscles off oxygen. This leads to damage or death of the muscles. The death of heart muscle tissues culminates in heart attack. As each of the coronary arteries supply blood to different regions of the heart, the intensity and effect of heart attack depends on the size of clot and the artery affected.
The healing process after a heart attack takes about 8 weeks. The damage caused to the muscles heals to form scar tissues. These tissues do not contract and hence people experience lesser pumping after the occurrence of an attack.

Symptoms of Heart Attack

  • Heaviness, pressure or discomfort felt in chest, below breast bone and arms
  • Feeling full in stomach, indigestion or heartburn, combined with the other symptoms
  • Pain radiating towards back, throat, neck and jaws
  • Irregular, rapid hear beat
  • Shortness of breath, anxiety and extreme fatigue
  • Sweating, dizziness and nausea

Medical attention should be obtained within an hour or two after the symptoms are felt, for effective treatment.

Heart Attack Treatment

Heart attack treatment mainly involves administering medications of anti-platelets and anti-coagulants to prevent the formation and growth of clots in artery, clot dissolving medicines to open up the arteries and methods to improve oxygen flow to heart muscles.
Cardiac surgery is done in cases where rapid opening of arteries is a necessity to improve the condition of the patient. Interventional methods like angioplasty are also performed to remove clots from the arteries.

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil is a leading cardiac surgeon based in Kochi with an experience over carrying out more than ten thousand heart surgeries.
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Sunday, 5 March 2017

Keyhole Heart Surgery In Kerala

Keyhole heart surgery a relatively new procedure when compared to the traditional techniques of heart surgery. Keyhole or minimally invasive surgery avoids making an incision of a minimum of 8 to 12 inches to get the right access to the heart.

How is Keyhole Heart Surgery Performed?

This surgery is performed using the most sophisticated and advanced technology. This allows the surgeon to perform the procedure easily, making use of small surgical instruments. The surgeon is able to monitor every move on a video screen. This is possible as live pictures are being broadcast to the screen from a tiny digital camera, which is inserted through the side of the chest.

Keyhole surgery is carried out through a smaller incision between the ribs, which means less surrounding tissue damage often with no broken bone. This, in turn, can lead to faster recovery. The surgeon then inserts specially designed instruments, along with tiny cameras which allow them to see the heart and blood vessels on a screen.

What is the Difference between Traditional Heart Surgery and Keyhole Heart Surgery?

Heart Surgery is done through a deep cut down to the middle of the chest, which includes a full cut through the breastbone. This procedure is complicated and also, it can take 12 weeks or more before the wound is completely healed. This can cause a delay in returning to normal activities.

What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery?
  • A smaller wound means less surrounding tissue damage which in turn contributes to quicker recovery.
  • Less pain after the procedure.
  • Early return to normal activities such as work and hobbies.
  • A smaller incision usually gives a better cosmetic outcome.

Dr. Kuldeep Chulliparambil chairs Cochin Cardiac associates which is widely regarded as the best cardiac surgery team in Cochin, Ernakulam area of Kerala, India. He has performed over 7000 heart operations including high quality coronary bypass surgeries and keyhole valve surgeries.

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